Payment dates
We pay each month’s pension on the first business day of that month. Find your pension specification in MijnPPF.
See when we will pay your pension
Policy funding ratio
At the end of January, the policy funding ratio was 124.0%. How has the funding ratio developed over time?
View the chart
New pension rules
The coming years pension in The Netherlands will be subject to changes. Stay tuned on the latest developments.
More information

Your pension
What arrangements are in place for your pension?
Whether you are still accruing pension rights or are already drawing a pension, the general information in this section explains everything you need to know about your pension with Philips Pensioenfonds. It describes what arrangements are in place, and how changes in your life will impact your pension.
About your pensionOr go directly to:
Your Pension Fund
What are the policies of Philips Pensioenfonds?
This section contains general information about Philips Pensioenfonds. For example, it describes how the pension fund is organised and explains its principal areas of policy.
About Philips Pensioenfonds