Investment policy
Philips Pensioenfonds wants to offer a pension that retains its purchasing power in the long term. So that you can buy as much of it later as now. We also call this a 'real pension'; that is our ambition.
To achieve that ambition, it is very important that your pension can be adjusted to price increases (for pension recipients and non-contributory policyholders) and wage increases (for pension builders). We call this "indexation". In order to enable indexation of your pension in the long term, we must achieve a sufficient return with the investments.
Responsible investment
Do you want to know more about taking the environment, social aspects and good corporate governance into account when choosing investments?
Go to Responsible investmentMore about our investment policy
Read all information about the investments of Philips Pensioenfonds
Quick introduction
Important information on the investment policy
Do you want to know more about the ambition of Philips Pensioenfonds and the division of investment categories?
Quick introduction on the investment policyInvestment risks
Your pension carefully invested
Philips Pensioenfonds invests its assets in order to be able to pay the retirement incomes of the employees and former employees of Philips, Signify and Versuni. The pension premiums need to be invested in order to achieve an adequate retirement income. Investing involves risks, and Philips Pensioenfonds spends much of its time managing those risks as effectively and as efficiently as possible.
More about carefully investing your pensionPension costs
What are the costs of your pension?
Pension funds make investments in order to achieve the highest possible returns, subject to predefined risk limits. However, it is impossible to generate investment returns without incurring costs, such as transaction and management costs. In addition, an accurate pension administration also leads to administrative costs.
More about the costs of your pensionFrequently asked questions
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"Cash" has a different meaning in investment terms than "cash". This refers to investments that are easy to sell and safe. In practice, by investing in cash, we mean investing in debt securities of loans that governments and companies have entered into with investors with very short maturities and very good creditworthiness. These characteristics ensure that the investments are safe, because they can be quickly converted into money.
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