Organisational structure
Philips Pensioenfonds is the administrator of the pension plans for current and former employees of Philips, Signify and Versuni in the Netherlands. This involves administering pension rights and entitlements. We are also responsible for paying out pensions and investing and managing the pension fund’s assets.
The work of Philips Pensioenfonds can be broken down into policy preparation and implementation, which are both explained on this information platform. You will also find information about the parties with which the pension fund has business relations.
More about the organization of Philips Pensioenfonds
Read all information about those involved in your pension.
Board of Trustees
Who decides on your pension?
Philips Pensioenfonds has a Board of Trustees and an Executive Board. The Board of Trustees is made up of representatives from the employers, employees and retired members. It also includes three independent experts as executive directors. Presiding over the Board of Directors is an independent chair. The three independent experts make up the pension fund’s Executive Board.
More about Board of TrusteesOrganization chart
View here how the Board of Trustees is composed.
Go to organization chart (in Dutch)Accountability Body
Accountability for policy and its implementation
The Board of Trustees renders account for its policies and how they are implemented to the Accountability Body. The Accountability Body has the authority to render an opinion on those policies and their implementation. The members making up the Accountability Body come from the employers, employees and retired members.
More about the Accountability BodyOpinion Accountability Body
In the annual report the opinion of the Accountability Body is included each year.
Go to Annual Report 2023 (in Dutch)Implementation organisations
The implementation of the pensions and assets is outsourced
The work of actually managing the pensions and assets has been outsourced, to Blue Sky Group and BlackRock, respectively. Find out more about these managers.
More about implementation organisationsRelated information
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Indexation policy
We try to increase your pension every year. This is called 'indexation'. But indexation cannot be taken for granted. Do you want to know more about our indexation policy?
Go to indexation policy
Financial position
More about the financial health of Philips Pensioenfonds.
Go to Financial position