Accountability Body

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Accountability Body

The Board of Trustees renders account for its policies and how they are implemented to the Accountability Body. The Accountability Body has the authority to render an opinion on those policies and their implementation, and on the Board’s decisions about future policies. Its opinion is published in the annual report for that year.

The Accountability Body also has the right to advise on various matters, as dictated by law. The Board seeks input from the Accountability Body for establishing the pension fund’s goals and policy assumptions, including its risk appetite.

Opinion Accountability Body

In the annual report the opinion of the Accountability Body is included each year.

Go to Annual Report (in Dutch)
Composition of the Accountability Body

The Accountability Body is made up of four representatives of the retired members, one representative of the active members and one representative of the employers. It also has stand-in members for the employees and the employers.

Representing the retired members:

  • Wiebo Vaartjes
  • Roland Takken
  • Geert Schuurmans
  • Paul van der Steen

Representing the active members:

  • Michael van Hartskamp
  • Huon van de Laarschot (stand-in member)

Representing the employers:

  • Thijs de Groot
  • Jan Hoogeveen (stand-in member)

Accountability Body’s opinion

The opinion on the 2023 reporting year is presented in the 2023 annual report, together with the response of the Board of Trustees. The Accountability Body’s opinion (in Dutch) starts on page 118 of the annual report.

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