Newly employed

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Welcome to Philips Pensioenfonds!

You have recently started working at Philips, Signify or Versuni

Like all your other new colleagues who have welcomed you to Philips, we would also like to introduce ourselves. If you work at Philips, Signify or Versuni, you automatically participate in the flex pension. That is our pension scheme. We are Philips Pensioenfonds. Welcome! On the web page 'Pension 123' you can read information about your pension scheme. In addition, you will find on this web page information about your pension scheme that is important for you as a new member.

Go to Pension 123


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8 May 2024

This e-brochure tells you all about the most important things you need to know about your pension when you are newly employed.

5.24 MB

Personal space 'MijnPPF'

Arrange your pension affairs quickly and easily

Firstly, it is good to know that you can view your personal pension data in our secure personal pension space ('MijnPPF'). You can also submit changes to it. The Pension Planner with which you can calculate your pension is part of MijnPPF. You log in with DigiD. 

Go to MijnPPF

Important information

Are you newly employed? Read this information carefully

Value transfer

Have you worked before? Then you have probably built up pension through your previous employer. You can transfer this pension to Philips Pensioenfonds. This is called value transfer.

More about value transfer

Arrange immediately

Do you want to transfer your old pension to Philips Pensioenfonds? Then fill in the form for a quotation without obligation.

Form Value Transfer

Pension for partner and child

After your death you want your partner and children to be well cared for. As a participant of Philips Pensioenfonds you do not have to worry about this. Our pension scheme provides an income for your lagging partner. Possible children may also be entitled to an income: the orphan's pension.

More about pension for partner and children

Action required

Living together but not married? It is important that you register your partner with us. Because only then will we pay a survivor's pension after your...

Form Partner registration

Anw-shortfall insurance

If you die and your partner is registered with us, Philips Pensioenfonds will automatically pay him or her a survivor’s pension. He or she might also be entitled to state benefits under the Dutch Surviving Dependants Act (Algemene Nabestaandenwet, ‘ANW’). You may wish to take out ANW shortfall insurance with us if your partner does not have an entitlement, or not a full entitlement to ANW benefits.

More about Anw-shortfall insurance

Action required

If you decide to take out ANW shortfall insurance, fill out the ‘Anw-shortfall insurance’ form within two months after your employment starts.

Form Anw-shortfall insurance

Frequently asked questions

Would you like to know more?

You pay a personal contribution for your pension. This premium is deducted from your gross monthly salary each month. At this moment, you pay 2% of your pensionable salary if you work for Philips. Signify employees who fall under the Flex scheme pay 5% of the pension base to the employer. Signify employees who fall under the Flex-ES scheme pay 2% of the pension base to the employer. Have you taken out the Anw-shortfall insurance? Then you also pay a personal contribution for this.

Philips Pensioenfonds tries to increase your accrued pension each year with the increase in wages within Philips (also for those working at Signify or Versuni). This is our ambition, as described in our indexation policy. However, this indexation is not an automatic given. Every year, the Board of Trustees decides whether your pension can be increased, and if so by how much. Whether or not we can realise our ambition depends on what the law permits, based on our financial health. Another factor is that we want to be in a solid financial position in 2026 when we switch to the new pension system. The indexation needs to be prudent with that in mind too.

Related information

Is the information below perhaps also interesting for you?

Indexation policy

We try to increase your pension each year with wage inflation. This is called 'indexation'. Do you want to know more about this?

Go to indexation policy
Financiele positie

Financial position

The financial position of Philips Pensioenfonds is assessed on the basis of the funding ratio, among other things.

Go to Financial position