Pension 123 Layer 1

What options are available to you?

Checked on:

Layer 1

Value transfer

If you accrued a pension with a previous employer, you may generally choose to carry it over to Philips Pensioenfonds.

Grafische weergave van twee portemonnees met de letters A en B erop. Eronder staat 'Vergelijk'.

Pension comparison

You can compare your pension plan with other pension plans by means of the Pension comparison. Go to the Pension comparison.

Extra pension

Do you have a partner who is not entitled to a (full) ANW benefit from the Dutch state in the event of your death? In that case, on certain conditions you can take out ANW shortfall insurance with Philips Pensioenfonds.

Net pension scheme

You accrue pension on your income up to € 137,800. If your income is more than € 137,800, you can save for an additional pension through your employer's voluntary net pension scheme at Centraal Beheer PPI (+31 (0)20 591 4242).

Exchanging survivor’s pension for retirement pension

Do you want to exchange (part of) your partner’s survivor’s pension for retirement pension for yourself? You can do so when you retire.

Retiring earlier or working longer

Do you wish to retire earlier or later than at the standard retirement age? That is possible, though your retirement age has to be between 60 and 70. Are you retiring before the AOW pension age? This means that you do not yet receive an AOW pension from the state. In that case you can purchase a bridging pension until your AOW pension age.

High-low scheme

Do you want to start with a higher pension and receive a lower pension later? That is also possible. This is known as the high-low scheme.