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How will the pension fund be notified about your disability?

If you are or become disabled, you will have to notify Philips Pensioenfonds. Find out more about the process, and what action is required on your part. Whether you become disabled, or your disability is pre-existing, will affect the process.


If your employment ends through disability

As soon as your employment contract ends through disability, Philips Pensioenfonds will be notified by Philips, Signify or Versuni. We will arrange for your details to be recorded properly in our system, to ensure that you continue to accrue pension rights. We will also arrange for you to be paid a disability pension.

You will receive a letter and several forms for arranging payment of your disability pension. Philips Pensioenfonds will register you with the employee insurance agency UWV, which is the authority responsible for giving shape to the Dutch Work and Income (Capacity for Labour) Act (Wet werk en inkomen naar arbeidsvermogen, or “WIA”). 


If you are disabled

When your employment contract ended through disability, we registered you with the employee insurance agency UWV. The UWV will automatically notify us if your disability percentage undergoes any change. We await this message before taking action. 

However, you are also required to notify the pension fund yourself. You will receive that information yourself from the UWV. Under the pension plan rules, you have an obligation to pass on this information to the pension fund. This rule is in place to ensure that you do not receive too much or too little pension accrual and disability pension. You can pass on the information by forwarding a photocopy of the UWV’s letter to us. 

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Indexation policy

We try to increase your pension each year with price inflation. This is called 'indexation'. Do you want to know more about this?

Page indexation policy

Payment dates

We pay your pension in advance on the 1st working day of the month. The day and time when your pension is credited to your account differs per bank.

Payment dates