Health insurance

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Healthcare insurance: your contribution

How is this arranged if you live abroad?

It is possible that we withhold Dutch healthcare insurance contributions from your pension. This is the case if you are living in a member state of the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA) or a Treaty country. If you reside in any other country, then we do not withhold healthcare insurance contributions from your pension.

Who determines how much you pay?

The CAK determines whether you are entitled to medical care included in the legally required insurance package of your country of residence. You pay a contribution to the Netherlands for this healthcare. In such cases, the CAK instructs Philips Pensioenfonds to withhold a contribution from your pension under the applicable international Treaty.

What do contributions under international Treaties consist of?

Contributions under international Treaties consist of:

  • an income-dependent Zvw contribution;
  • an income-dependent contribution under the Dutch Long-term Care Act (Wet langdurige zorg, Wlz);
  • a nominal contribution.

It is possible that you have to pay the nominal contribution directly to the CAK yourself, or that this contribution is withheld from a benefit other than your pension. From state pension (AOW) age, the nominal contribution is withheld from your AOW benefit. Similary, we will only withhold the nominal contribution on instructions from the CAK. If we have not withheld any contribution from your pension under the applicable Treaty, this means that the CAK did not instruct us to do so. If you would like more information regarding contributions under international Treaties, please refer to the CAK or call at +31 88 – 711 55 51.

Country-of-residence factor

The contributions are multiplied by a ‘country-of-residence’ factor. That factor is calculated by dividing the average cost of care in your country of residence by the average cost of care in the Netherlands. Philips Pensioenfonds applies this factor to all healthcare insurance contributions.

Income-linked contributions in 2024

On 1 January 2015, the Dutch General Exceptional Medical Expenses Act (AWBZ) was replaced by the Long-Term Healthcare Act (Wlz). For 2024, the rate for income-linked contributions under the Wlz is 9,65%. That rate is then multiplied by your country-of-residence factor. The rate for income-linked contributions under the Dutch Healthcare Insurance Act for 2024 is 5.32%. The maximum income for contribution purposes is € 71,624, meaning that the contributions are capped at 5.32% x € 71.624 = € 3,810. These contributions are also multiplied by your country-of-residence factor.

Nominal contributions in 2024

If you have not reached state retirement age yet, your nominal contributions under the Dutch Healthcare Insurance Act will be withheld from your pension. For 2024, the nominal monthly contribution is € 149.33.

Just as with the income-linked contributions, the nominal contributions are also multiplied by your country-of-residence factor. As soon as you start drawing your state pension, the nominal contributions will no longer be withheld from your pension, but from your state pension.

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