Receiving pension abroad
You must arrange a number of things
If you receive a pension from the Philips Pension Fund and you live abroad, there are a number of things that are arranged differently. Find out what they are here.
This brochure provides specific information what exactly is expected from you.
Receiving Pension AbroadCertificate of Life
If you live in the Netherlands, we automatically receive details about your personal situation via your municipality. If you reside outside the Netherlands, we do not automatically receive this information. That’s why we ask you always to provide us with this information.
More about the Certificate of LifeEuro account
Philips Pensioenfonds pays your pension in euros. This is why it is important for you, if possible, to hold an account denominated in euros.
More about euro accountPayroll tax
In the Netherlands, everyone is obliged to pay wage tax and national insurance contributions to the government. How is this arranged if you live abroad?
More about payroll taxHealthcare insurance
In the Netherlands, health insurance costs are automatically deducted from salary and pension. How is this arranged if you live abroad?
More about healthcare insuranceFrequently asked questions
Would you like to know more?
The basic assumption in this situation is that your pension will remain with Philips Pensioenfonds. In practice, international value transfer is almost never feasible. When you retire, Philips Pensioenfonds will start paying you your pension in your new country. If you live abroad or move to another country, alternative arrangements will apply to you for some matters – matters that are important for how your pension is paid. To find out more, download the brochure ‘Receiving a pension while abroad’ from our website.
No matter where you live, Philips Pensioenfonds will make sure that you are paid your pension. Of course this means that we need to be able to contact you, so you will have to notify us of your new address before you move to your new country. If you live abroad or move to another country, alternative arrangements will apply to you for some matters – matters that are important for how your pension is paid. To find out more, download the brochure ‘Receiving a pension while abroad’ from our website.
That depends on where you live. If you live in a member state of the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA) or a treaty country, the health insurance premium will be deducted from your pension. If you live elsewhere, this will not be deducted.
The ‘CAK' does that.
This consists of:
- an income-related Zvw contribution
- an income-related contribution under the Wlz (formerly AWBZ)
- a nominal contribution
Philips Pensioenfonds pays your pension in euros. If you do not have a euro account, it is possible that your bank will charge you for this. It is not possible to open a euro account in every country. Ask your local bank if it is possible to open a euro account.
That depends on whether the Netherlands has made agreements on this with the country in which you live. If you live in a so-called treaty country, you may not have to pay wage tax in the Netherlands. To do this, submit a request for "exemption from wage tax deduction / national insurance contributions" to the ‘Belastingdienst'.
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