Elections Accountability Body

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Wanted: an active member with a sense of engagement

The Accountability Body is looking for a new member on behalf of the pension accruers. We will be organising elections for this in April 2025. In the December edition of our magazine Generaties, a call was placed asking pension accruers to register as candidates. The deadline for registering as candidates has now expired. You will soon find more information on this page.

How is the Accountability Body composed?
The Accountability Body is made up of six members: one member to represent the active members, four to represent the pension beneficiaries and one to represent the employers. Deputy members also stand ready to replace the representatives of the active members and the employers. Click here to find information about the current composition.

Board is accountable
The Board of Philips Pensioenfonds regularly takes decisions that affect the (future) incomes of all participants in the Fund. This includes decisions taken by the Board due to the transition to the new pension system. In making these decisions, the Board always considers whether the interests of all participants have been properly taken into account. And the Board must also be able to explain this. We call this ‘accountability’. This is done, among other things, to the Accountability Body.

The Accountability Body has the right to give an opinion on the policy of Philips Pensioenfonds, the way in which it has been implemented and the policy choices made for the future. In addition, the Accountability Body has the right to issue advice on a number of subjects, such as the form and structure of internal supervision and the communication policy. The Board ensures that the Accountability Body receives all the information it needs for these tasks.

You can no longer apply
The deadline for applying as a candidate has passed on 1 March. You can no longer apply.

Candidates via representative organisations
Not only individual active members could apply. So-called representative organisations could also nominate candidates via an electoral list if they meet certain conditions. The application deadline for representative organisations also passed on 1 March.

Documents Elections Accountability Body

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Documents Elections Accountability Body