
2 June 2020


Investment mix adjusted to ensure a proper pension for all our members

Philips Pensioenfonds recently made an adjustment to the investment portfolio within the already existing policy. This adjustment increases the chance of an increase in your pension through indexation, with a slight increase in the level of risk. This adjustment has been made on the basis of our long-term investment policy.
2 June 2020


Magazine Generaties, Spring edition published

Today, all participants who accrue pension with Philips Pensioenfonds or receive a pension from us, received the latest edition of our Generaties magazine. In this edition of Generaties, two board members look back on the year 2019. They also take a detailed look at current developments surrounding the corona crisis. In this edition you will also read more about the investments of Philips Pensioenfonds in mortgages in various articles.
2 June 2020


2019 Annual Report published

The annual report explains how the various developments impacted Philips Pensioenfonds during 2019. It also provides a brief discussion of what to expect in 2020. Find out more in the 2019 annual report.
5 May 2020


Accountability for voting policy and engagement policy Q1 2020

Philips Pensioenfonds exerts influence in various ways on companies in which we invest. As a shareholder in many companies, for example, we have the option of voting at shareholder meetings. And if companies in which we invest violate the Global Compact principles, we address them to this.
30 April 2020


Column Gener@ties for active members

We often hear this comment, particularly from relatively young members who are still building up a pension. I can certainly imagine that the losses that pension funds are currently suffering as a result of the corona crisis are reinforcing this belief. If you share this view, however, I have some good news, despite the difficult times: it is absolutely wrong. Read on to find out why that is.
30 April 2020


Quarterly report 1st quarter 2020 is published

The quarterly report for the first quarter of 2020 has been published. You can download the report via our website. In the first quarter, the current coverage ratio decreased from 117.0% at the end of December 2019 to 101.8% at the end of March 2020. The decrease in the coverage ratio was due to the outbreak of the corona virus. In order to limit further spread of the virus, governments were forced to introduce many restrictive measures in socio-economic traffic in the first quarter. As a result, the global economy entered a deep recession. As a result, stock markets have fallen sharply. Interest also fell in the first quarter. Both cases have led to a very sharp drop in the current funding ratio of just over 15 percentage points.
16 April 2020


The funding ratio has fallen as a result of the corona crisis and the increase in pensions

The current funding ratio fell in March from 109.8% (end of February) to 101.8% (end of March), or 8 percentage points. These funding ratio figures indicate that Philips Pensioenfonds is also suffering considerably from the corona crisis. The decrease in the current funding ratio is therefore mainly the result of developments in financial markets, which we will explain in more detail below. However, part of the decline has a completely different reason, which we certainly do not want to mention in these uncertain times: as of 1 April 2020, all pensions have been increased by 0.64%. As a result, our pension obligations have increased and the funding ratio has fallen by approximately 0.7 percentage point.
13 April 2020


Pension overviews sent to retired members

The 2020 pension overviews for all members drawing a pension have gone out. Your overview, which you will receive on 17 April, contains information about your pension at 1 April 2020.
7 April 2020


Blue Sky Group as new pension provider from 2021

From 1 January 2021, pension manager Blue Sky Group will take care of the administration of your pension, as well as the communication with you as a member. The agreement for this service was recently signed, after we informed you in mid-February about the signed letter of intent with Blue Sky Group. Until January 1, 2021, our current pension manager, PGGM, will continue to take care of the administration of your pension.
24 March 2020


Partial indexation of pensions

At the end of 2019, the policy funding ratio of Philips Pensioenfonds was 114.2%. With this funding ratio, we can partly increase the pensions in accordance with our indexation policy. The pensions will therefore be increased by 0.64% as of 1 April 2020. Our ambition was 2%.