More about information about your pension

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How will you receive information about your pension?

If you have a pension with Philips Pensioenfonds, you will receive several kinds of information. Read on to find out everything that you need to know about your detailed pension statement, your pension overview and your annual income statement.

Explanatory notes

You can download the explanatory notes of the detailed pension statement here.

Explanatory Notes Pension Statement

Your detailed pension statement

Everyone who is paid a pension by Philips Pensioenfonds receives a detailed statement of that pension. You will be sent your first statement shortly before your first month’s pension is paid. Every month, you will receive a detailed pension statement digitally in MijnPPF. The detailed pension statement shows the amount of your monthly pension payment. If the net amount for a particular month has changed by more than €0.01 compared with the net amount for the previous month, you will receive a notification.

Your pension overview

Once a year, you will be sent your pension overview if you receive a retirement pension (or a share in a retirement pension), survivor’s pension, orphan’s pension, disability pension or a state pension compensation. The pension overview contains details of the value of your pension and whether or not it will be increased that year.

If you receive a retirement pension from Philips Pensioenfonds, your pension overview also shows how much survivor’s pension your partner (if you have one) will receive in the event of your death. If you are entitled to state pension compensation, the pension overview shows how much.

If you receive a disability pension and you are still accruing pension rights, besides your pension overview for retired members you will also receive a Uniform Pension Overview once every year. That overview contains information about your retirement pension and how much your partner and children will receive in the event of your death. 

Your annual income statement

Everyone who receives a pension from Philips Pensioenfonds is sent an annual income statement once every year. You need that statement for your tax return: It shows how much gross pension you received from Philips Pensioenfonds during the previous year. Your annual income statement also shows how much payroll tax was withheld, and the amount for which the working tax credit was applied. This statement is issued every year, in mid-January, and contains information about your previous year’s income.

Do you pass away? Your next of kin will receive an annual statement for the tax authorities one month after notification of death is received.

Frequently asked questions

Would you like to know more?

Pension overviews are sent to everyone who receives a retirement pension (or a share in a retirement pension), disability pension, survivor’s pension or orphan’s pension, and/or a payment for state pension compensation. In your pension overview, Philips Pensioenfonds shows what your pension income will be (for yourself, or for your partner in the event of your death, for example), including increases in your pension, where applicable. This ensures that you always have an updated overview of your current and future pension income from Philips Pensioenfonds.

You will find your pension overview under the name 'Uniform Pension Overview 2024' in MijnPPF under Pension Mail. Your Pension Overview may not be at the top, as it is uploaded with 1 April 2024 as the date. If you have received any other mail since then, you may need to scroll to see your Pension Overview.

Your detailed pension statement shows the gross amount of your payment, what amounts are withheld, and how much remains for your net monthly payment. Every month you can find a detailed pension statement in MijnPPF.

Get in touch with our Service Desk to tell us that you have not received your pension overview.

Look under the heading ‘How certain is your pension?’ in your pension overview to find out more about indexation. It also explains what risks influence the value of your pension. Find out more about the indexation policy of Philips Pensioenfonds.

Your pension overview shows what your total pension income is in various situations (for example what pension you can draw yourself, or what pension your partner will receive if you die). We add all the separate pension components together, and show them for appropriate period. For example: ‘You will receive for life’ shows the total that you will receive from your lifelong retirement pension.

If you spent time abroad for Philips, it may have been agreed that you would continue to accrue pension rights with Philips Pensioenfonds during that period. It is possible that you accrued pension rights where you were working during that same period. If so, you built up two sets of pension rights. Your foreign pension will be deducted from your pension from Philips Pensioenfonds. Pension rights that you accrued abroad while you were employed by Philips are not reflected in the overview. You must notify Philips Pensioenfonds as soon as you receive any pension from abroad, and it will be deducted from your pension from Philips Pensioenfonds. As a result, the pension that you receive from Philips Pensioenfonds might be lower than shown in the overview. However, your total pension (your pension from Philips Pensioenfonds and your foreign pension together) will be the same as the value shown in your overview.

Yes, that is true: the Anw shortfall insurance will continue until your partner reaches state retirement (AOW) age. This new rule was introduced when the government decided to raise the state retirement age incrementally, starting on 1 January 2013. It also means that you will continue to pay premiums until your partner reaches state retirement age. Find out more about how much premium you pay and what the insured amounts of the Anw shortfall insurance.

Your disability pension will continue for as long as you receive benefits under the Dutch Disability Insurance Act (WAO) or the Dutch Work and Income According to Labour Capacity Act (WIA), but only until you turn 68 or reach state retirement age (if earlier). If your disability bracket changes before then, this will also affect how much disability pension you receive, which will be adjusted accordingly.

Following a change in the system on 1 January 2020, your disability pension will continue until you turn 68 or reach state retirement age (if earlier), just the same as your WAO/WIA benefits. The reason is that you will now start accruing pension rights under a different pension plan: the existing flex pension plan. Since 1 January 2006, the tax rules for pension plans have gradually become stricter and stricter, and it was no longer possible to continue your pension accrual. The current flex pension of Philips Pensioenfonds has kept pace with all the new rules that have been introduced. We wrote to you in December 2019 to explain this. If you have any questions, please contact our Service Desk.

If you receive a pension, and you wish to receive your future pension overviews in English, go to your profielpage in MijnPPF and change your settings. 

Do you have a pension from previous employment with HSA that is insured with ASR (formerly AMEV)?

The pension you accrued before 1974 with HSA (Hollandse Signaalmaterialen) was insured with ASR (formerly AMEV) and was taken over by Philips Pensioenfonds on 1 January 2020. This pension is part of the total pension that you have with us. That is why you will no longer see this pension separately on your Uniform Pension Overview.

Do you have a pension from a previous employment that was insured with Nationale Nederlanden?

The pension insured with Nationale Nederlanden was paid out by us until April 1, 2021. As of April 1, 2021, Nationale Nederlanden has again taken over the payment of this benefit. You have been informed about this by us and by Nationale Nederlanden. That is why you will no longer see this amount on your Uniform Pension Overview.

Did you have a different 'elsewhere insured' pension from a previous employment?

Due to administrative simplification, this pension has been merged with your Philips pension. This amount is included in the pension amount stated on your Uniform Pension Overview. That is why you will no longer see this amount separately on your Uniform Pension Overview.

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Indexation policy

We try to increase your pension each year with price inflation. This is called 'indexation'. Do you want to know more about this?

Go to indexation policy
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Financial position

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