
26 April 2023


Pension overviews available for retired members

The 2023 pension overviews are available to everyone who receives a pension.
27 March 2023


Pensions of Philips Pensioenfonds members go up

Pension increase on 1 April 2023 based on balancing the highest possible indexation against the need to protect the financial buffer
27 March 2023


No elections for Accountability Body

Philips Pensioenfonds has received an electoral list exclusively from the Federation of Philips Associations of Pensioners (FPVG). Because this organization is the only one to have submitted a list of candidates and no individual candidates have applied, no elections will follow.
27 January 2023


Considering a range of different scenarios

In this blog I would like to share an update of where we stand in relation to the Future of Pensions Act. Read on to find out more about what we are preparing behind the scenes.
24 January 2023


Update: Your pension accrual with us is visible again on

Unfortunately, it was temporarily not possible to see your pension accrual with us on This disruption has now been resolved and all information about your pension is visible again.
11 November 2020


Premium funding ratio higher due to interest rate hedging

Philips Pensioenfonds publishes the so-called premium funding ratio of the Fund in its annual report. At the end of 2019, this funding ratio was 97%. This percentage is calculated according to the method prescribed by De Nederlandsche Bank. This percentage does not take into account a decision made by the Board of Philips Pensioenfonds to hedge the 'interest rate risk' relating to the premium and pension accrual. When the interest rate hedging is taken into account, the premium funding ratio at the end of 2019 is 101%. In this news article you can read why Philips Pensioenfonds has hedged the interest rate risk and what effect this has on the premium funding ratio.
3 November 2020


Column Gener@ties for active members

Moving in with your partner, getting married, having children... These are probably not the moments in your life when you are most likely to be thinking about your pension. Nevertheless, it is important to know where you stand with your pension whenever your life enters a new phase. Today marks the start of the Pensioen3daagse, an annual 3-day event that is all about pensions. Around the country, the focus will be on this year’s topic: ‘Everything ready for your retirement? Make sure now!’ While you do not need to pay mind to this call to action every day, or even every month, it certainly becomes relevant at times of major change in your life. Read on to find out more.
3 November 2020


Quarterly report 3nd quarter 2020 is published

The quarterly report for the third quarter of 2020 has been published. You can download the report via our website. In the third quarter, the current funding ratio rose from 108.1% at the end of June to 109.3% at the end of September. With this, the funding ratio recovered for the second quarter in a row after the funding ratio fell sharply in the first quarter as a result of the coronavirus outbreak. The main contribution to the further increase in the funding ratio was made by the equity markets. As the global economy recovered after the coronavirus downturn, stock markets showed positive returns in the third quarter.
29 October 2020


Accountability for voting policy and engagement policy Q3 2020

Philips Pensioenfonds exerts influence in various ways on companies in which we invest. As a shareholder in many companies, for example, we have the option of voting at shareholder meetings. And if companies in which we invest violate the Global Compact principles, we address them to this.
12 August 2020


Accountability for voting policy and engagement policy Q2 2020

Philips Pensioenfonds exerts influence in various ways on companies in which we invest. As a shareholder in many companies, for example, we have the option of voting at shareholder meetings. And if companies in which we invest violate the Global Compact principles, we address them to this.