What to do if you have a complaint?

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You should be able to rely on us to keep your pension safe. That is why we exercise great care in how we administer your pension, and why we do our best to keep you properly informed about any developments. Nevertheless, you might be unhappy with something. For example, about our services or about the way in which you have been treated by us. If you have a complaint on any subject, we urge to share it with us so we can work together to find a solution. The information on this page explains who to contact if you have a complaint, how we will handle your complaint, and what to do if you are unhappy with the handling of your complaint.

What to do if you have a complaint?

Your first point of contact: our Service Desk

If you are unhappy, our Service Desk is the first point of contact, by telephone, digitally (email or MijnPPF) or by letter. If you prefer, you can also schedule a personal meeting or a video call. 
Important: do not share sensitive, personal information with us by email. You can do this safely in MijnPPF via 'Send a document'. Together we ensure that your personal data remains safe.

What should you expect if you bring a complaint to us?

  • If you call our telephone number, we will see whether we can come to a mutually acceptable solution right away. If we are unable to resolve the issue immediately, a member of our team will make arrangements with you about when to expect our response.
  • If you contact us digitally (email or MijnPPF) or by letter, the Service Desk will respond within ten working days, either by phone or in writing. It may happen that we need more time. In that case, we will keep you informed so that you know when to expect a response.

How to contact the Service Desk

Email: info@philipspensioenfonds.nl

Telephone : 088 – 015 79 00

See all our contact details
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If you are still unhappy

Have you received a response from our Service Desk and are you unhappy with it? Then you can submit your complaint to the Complaints Committee of Philips Pensioenfonds. The Complaints Committee consists of the Managing Director, the Investments Director and the Legal Advisor of the Board of Trustees of Philips Pensioenfonds. If you would like assistance presenting your complaint, or if you have any questions, you can always ask the Service Desk for help.

To send your complaint:

By post:

Philips Pensioenfonds
Attn. the Complaints Committee (Klachtencommissie)
Postbus 80031
5600 JZ Eindhoven
The Netherlands

By email:
The subject line should state: ‘Attn. the Complaints Committee (Klachtencommissie)’

By MijnPPF
Do you want to share sensitive, personal information with us? Please use MijnPPF via 'Send a document' to safely share your information. You can login to MijnPPF via www.philipspensioenfonds.nl/en/mijnppf.


What does your complaint say?

First of all, include a clear description of your complaint. In addition, make sure you also include the date, your name, your client number and your address.

What information do you receive from the Complaints Committee?

You will receive a confirmation letter within 10 working days of receiving your complaint. In this letter you can read when you can expect the Complaints Committee's decision on your complaint. The Complaints Committee normally decides on your complaint within 10 weeks. This period can be extended if the Complaints Committee needs additional information from you to handle your complaint. In that case, we will contact you to determine what information the Complaints Committee still needs from you. The Complaints Committee will therefore give a new date on which you can expect the Complaints Committee's decision on your complaint.

What to do if we cannot resolve your complaint

Dutch Institute for pension fund complaints and disputes (GIP)

If you do not agree with a decision of the Complaints Committee or if the handling of your complaint takes an unreasonably long time, you have the option to submit your complaint as a dispute to the Dutch Institute for pension fund complaints and disputes, ‘Geschilleninstantie Pensioenfondsen’ (GIP). GIP is acknowledged as an ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) instance. All pension funds in the Netherlands are affiliated with GIP. GIP works impartially and independently and is an easy alternative to a judge.

GIP Website

Here you will find all information about GIP. For example, you can read when you can file a dispute with GIP and which disputes they handle. You can also read about GIP's procedure here.

To website

GIP procedure

GIP handles disputes between members and pension funds regarding the implementation or application of the pension plan rules.

Mediation, unless…
If GIP handles your dispute, they always start with mediation. Unless you explicitly indicate that you do not want this. Mediation aims to find a joint solution that both parties can agree on. This is done by the Pensions Ombudsman, which is part of GIP. The Ombudsman carries out his duties independently and impartially.

If mediation does not lead to a solution or if you do not agree with mediation, you can opt for settlement. A joint solution is not sought, but a decision is made based on the available information. This decision is made by the dispute committee, which is part of GIP. This committee also works impartially and independently. You can read exactly how this works and what options you have on the GIP website (in Dutch).

Submit your dispute to GIP

If you believe that your dispute should be handled by GIP, please submit the dispute to GIP. This can be done quickly, safely and easily via the GIP website (in Dutch). You can also submit your complaint by post using the dispute form. When submitting the dispute, GIP requires a copy of your complaint to Philips Pensioenfonds and a copy of our final letter in response to your complaint. You send the completed dispute form to GIP, Varrolaan 100, 3584 BW Utrecht.


You are not obliged to submit your dispute to GIP. You can always submit a dispute to the court. You also have this option if you:

  • cannot submit the dispute to GIP. For example, because the dispute arose before July 1, 2023 or relates to agreements made by social partners.
  • has agreed to mediation by the Pensions Ombudsman and no solution is offered or if you or the Pension Fund do not agree with the solution offered.
  • GIP has opted for a so-called non-binding ruling. In that case, the Pension Fund does not have to follow GIP's ruling and the same applies to you.

How we communicate about complaints from members

Philips Pensioenfonds keeps a list of all incoming complaints, both through the Service Desk and through the Complaints Committee. This helps us to keep track of how many complaints we receive, and what they are about. We use this information to improve our services and communication. We report on this in our annual report.

Documents complaints procedure

Attachment Size
19 December 2023

Read here in one overview where you can go if you are not satisfied with something and how we will find a solution together with you.

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6 June 2024

In this brochure you can read where you can go if you are unhappy. We would like to get in touch with you.

730.48 kB
19 December 2023

In our Complaints Committee Regulations you can read how you can submit a complaint to the Complaints Committee. And what the next steps are once you have submitted your complaint to us.

461.3 kB