
8 May 2024


A personal pension with solidarity

This article explains the most important features of the pension plan that has been chosen, and how Philips Pensioenfonds will now proceed. Lastly, it provides some information about the right of pension beneficiaries to be heard.
8 May 2024


Philips Pensioenfonds to administer a solidarity-based contribution plan

Philips and the unions have agreed on the general form of the pension plan under the Dutch Future of Pensions Act (Wet toekomst pensioenen). The key point on which they have agreed is that we will switch to a solidarity-based contribution plan. Philips Pensioenfonds will implement this plan for all pension beneficiaries, active members and policyholders of Philips Pensioenfonds.
25 April 2024


Pension overviews available for retired members

The 2024 pension overviews are available to everyone who receives a pension.
26 March 2024


Full indexation of our pensions at 1 April 2024

What is a sensible indexation rate for our pensions at 1 April 2024, to make sure that every one of our members can get off to a good start under the new pension plan that will come into effect in 2026? That is the question that the Board of Trustees recently answered.
15 January 2024


What is the right investment mix for our members?

We would like to find out more about how much risk you are willing to take with your pension. We can use this information to design our investment policy. We have carried out a survey like this several times in recent years. Now, however, it is even more important for us to understand whether different age groups have different preferences. Under the new pension rules, we will be able to align the investments better to the characteristics of the separate age groups of our members. With the new system, you will have your own ‘pension savings’, which we can invest in the way that best suits your age category. Our survey gives you the opportunity to influence the decisions that we make about the future investment policy!