
What is the right investment mix for our members?

15 January 2024

We would like to find out more about how much risk you are willing to take with your pension. We can use this information to design our investment policy. We have carried out a survey like this several times in recent years. Now, however, it is even more important for us to understand whether different age groups have different preferences. Under the new pension rules, we will be able to align the investments better to the characteristics of the separate age groups of our members. With the new system, you will have your own ‘pension savings’, which we can invest in the way that best suits your age category. Our survey gives you the opportunity to influence the decisions that we make about the future investment policy!

Why a risk appetite survey?

We invest your pension contributions to provide you with a proper pension. By increasing or decreasing the level of risk in our investment policy, we can control how much your pension is affected by improvements or downturns in the economy. If we take more risks in our investment policy, your pension will probably be higher. However, this also makes it more likely that we might be forced to lower your pension. If we take less risk, we can offer you more stability in your pension. At the same time, it means that your pension will probably be lower as well. To determine a judicious level of risk, we consider our members’ characteristics, such as their age. However, we also take into account the level of risk that our members are able and willing to take. We previously conducted a survey in 2021, and we have outlined our initial ideas for the future investment policy. Before we finalise that policy, though, we need more current research data, which is why we will run a new survey in January 2024.

More information about the risk appetite survey