
10 May 2022


Philips Pensioenfonds hardly invests in private equity

Last week, questions were asked in the House of Representatives about investments by pension funds in complex investment products and the performance fees that are paid in connection with this. Philips Pensioenfonds does not or hardly invests in the relatively expensive investment categories that are part of that conversation. For example, it does not invest in hedge funds and in the past it was decided to no longer invest in private equity. That investment category is therefore being phased out and about € 2 million remains, which amounts to approximately 0.01% of the invested capital.
24 March 2022


Pensions of members of Philips Pensioenfonds to increase

Philips Pensioenfonds ended 2021 in a strong financial position. This is good news for all our members: we will grant full indexation on our pensions at 1 April 2022.
3 March 2022


Do the events in Ukraine affect the investments of Philips Pensioenfonds?

Investing pension money is necessary to be able to offer you a good pension. That is why the assets of Philips Pensioenfonds are invested. We can imagine you are wondering whether the current events in Ukraine are affecting the Fund's investments. The answer to this question is affirmative. In this news item we will give you more information about this.
21 December 2021


Magazine Generaties is published

In this edition, among other things: your pension can be increased in 2022, responsible investment choices focused on sustainable development goals in our equity portfolio and tips on cyber security.
21 December 2021


Paid-up policy? Check your Pension Overview!

Anyone who has previously worked at Philips or Signify and still has a pension with Philips Pensioenfonds will find his/her Uniform Pension Overview in MijnPPF.
20 December 2021


Responsible investment choices focused on 4 sustainable development goals

Philips Pensioenfonds makes conscious investment choices in its portfolio 'shares in developed markets' for companies that contribute positively to four sustainable development goals: 'Good health and well-being', 'Climate action', 'Sustainable cities and communities' and 'Responsible consumption and production'.
19 December 2021


Our pensioners thanked by KWF

1 November 2021


Premium funding ratio higher due to interest rate hedging

Philips Pensioenfonds publishes the so-called premium funding ratio of the Fund in its annual report. Over 2020, this funding ratio was 79% (over 2019: 97%). This percentage is calculated according to the method prescribed by De Nederlandsche Bank. This percentage does not take into account a decision made by the Board of Philips Pensioenfonds to hedge the 'interest rate risk' relating to the premium and pension accrual. When the interest rate hedging is taken into account, the premium funding ratio over 2020 is 99% (over 2019: 101%). In this news article you can read why Philips Pensioenfonds has hedged the interest rate risk and what effect this has on the premium funding ratio.
29 October 2021


Using the years ahead to make a strong start with the new pension system

With the introduction of a new pension system within a few years, pensions in the Netherlands are set for an overhaul. For our members, this involves drawing their pension from an individual pension reserve – possibly as early as 1 January 2024. In the face of this new reality, the Board of Trustees of Philips Pensioenfonds has considered how this change will affect the pension fund’s policies. Normally speaking, the pension fund’s policies are geared toward the long term. However, the changes to the system in the short term forces us to deviate from our long-term policy on several points, to make sure that our members can start strongly under the new pension system. Read on to find out more about the decisions that the Board of Trustees has made for the years ahead.
10 August 2021


Data breach at our pension provider

Philips Pensioenfonds recently had to deal with a data breach. Unauthorized persons briefly had access to the mailbox of an employee of our pension provider Blue Sky Group. The employee in question works in a department that does not have personal e-mail contact with participants. Nevertheless, there is some leaked participant data. This data is personal and not intended for the outside world. Participants must be able to trust that their (personal) data is in good hands with us. We are very sorry that this leak has occurred. External specialists are investigating the extent of the data breach. In this report we explain the steps Philips Pensioenfonds has taken in response to the data breach.