
18 December 2023


The Board will decide in March how much indexation is justified

In the coming months, the Board will again consider the extent to which your pension can be increased as of 1 April 2024. Until the transition to the new pension system, the Board annually assesses which pension increase (indexation) is responsible.
2 November 2023


KWF happy with donation from pensioners

On behalf of the pensioners, Philips Pensioenfonds has transferred an amount of € 100,031.53 to KWF Kankerbestrijding this month. 
27 July 2023


Uniform Pension Statement 2023 available to anyone no longer in employment

The Uniform Pension Statement 2023 is available to all non-contributory policyholders (those who are no longer employed but still have a pension with Philips Pension Fund).
29 June 2023


Uniform Pension Overviews available for participants who are still employed

The 2023 Uniform Pension Overviews are available to everyone who are still employed by Philips, Signify or Versuni.
19 June 2023


Magazine Generaties now bilingual

Our magazine Generaties has appeared. The June 2023 edition is the first edition to appear in both Dutch and English. Participants who have indicated in MijnPPF that they would like to receive information in English will receive the magazine in English.
1 June 2023


Annual report 2022 published

We were able to close the year 2022 in good financial health. The current funding ratio at the end of the 2022 reporting year was 128.4%.
26 April 2023


Pension overviews available for retired members

The 2023 pension overviews are available to everyone who receives a pension.
27 March 2023


Pensions of Philips Pensioenfonds members go up

Pension increase on 1 April 2023 based on balancing the highest possible indexation against the need to protect the financial buffer
27 March 2023


No elections for Accountability Body

Philips Pensioenfonds has received an electoral list exclusively from the Federation of Philips Associations of Pensioners (FPVG). Because this organization is the only one to have submitted a list of candidates and no individual candidates have applied, no elections will follow.
24 January 2023


Update: Your pension accrual with us is visible again on

Unfortunately, it was temporarily not possible to see your pension accrual with us on This disruption has now been resolved and all information about your pension is visible again.