
26 September 2024


What needs to be done for us to be able to carry out your new pension plan?

In May, we announced the news that Philips and the unions had agreed on the details of the future pension plan, and that they had decided on a solidarity-based contribution plan. It will be another two years or so before the new pension plan will come into effect, but even though that is far away, we are not sitting still now. Read on to find out more about the process ahead during the next two years.
8 May 2024


A personal pension with solidarity

This article explains the most important features of the pension plan that has been chosen, and how Philips Pensioenfonds will now proceed. Lastly, it provides some information about the right of pension beneficiaries to be heard.
2 November 2023


Roadmap to your new pension

Together with the employers, we have put together a timeline to show what we are doing in the run-up to the new pension plan, and what to expect from us during each phase. 
27 January 2023


Considering a range of different scenarios

In this blog I would like to share an update of where we stand in relation to the Future of Pensions Act. Read on to find out more about what we are preparing behind the scenes.