
2 November 2023


Roadmap to your new pension

Together with the employers, we have put together a timeline to show what we are doing in the run-up to the new pension plan, and what to expect from us during each phase. 
27 January 2023


Considering a range of different scenarios

In this blog I would like to share an update of where we stand in relation to the Future of Pensions Act. Read on to find out more about what we are preparing behind the scenes.
22 July 2021


Column 'Pension questions: do you know the answer?' - Gener@ties July 2021

This column has been written for participants who have not yet received a pension. “Your pension contributions – does Philips Pensioenfonds earmark them for you personally, or do they go towards the current pension beneficiaries?” “When can you start drawing the pension that you have accrued with Philips Pensioenfonds?” “Does Philips Pensioenfonds offer the possibility of taking out insurance for your surviving dependants?” We presented these questions to a large group of members last April, to find out your thoughts about pensions, and what you know about them. Misunderstandings can lead to m...
29 April 2021


Column Gener@ties April 2021

Philips Pensioenfonds invests the money from your pension premiums. We use the returns on those investments to pay you a proper pension. When we make our investments, we also take social aspects into account, such as the environment and human rights. Last year we conducted a large-scale survey among our members to learn more about your views on our social investment policy, and to determine whether we have your support to further develop that policy. The result: most definitely! We can now give you an update: what have we done since our survey in 2020?