
30 January 2020


Column Gener@ties for active members

We regularly tune in to hear what our members have to say. This is important: Philips Pensioenfonds is weighing one interest against another all the time, and making choices that impact our members’ pensions. It is therefore our responsibility, we feel, to obtain your input on matters that affect your pension and the pension fund. We do this not only by informing you, but also by asking for your opinion and seeking out a dialogue with you.
5 November 2019


Column Gener@ties for active members

While it is probably a subject that you would rather not think about, do you ever consider what will happen if you die? Do you know what the financial situation will be for your partner and children? The Pensioen3daagse, an annual 3-day event that is all about pensions and that starts today, will draw the nation’s attention to this issue. Unfortunately, almost everyone has all heard some tale or another where the arrangements were not as complete as expected. Our flex pension plan includes arrangements for your partner. However, this requires action on your part too!