The policy for responsible investment (ESG-policy) shows how Philips Pensioenfonds takes sustainable aspects into account when investing your pension money. For example; environment and human rights. Amongst others, this means that sustainability risks such as climate change play a role in investment decisions. Philips Pension Fund has a policy for socially responsible investment, because:
- participants have indicated that they think this important,
- as a major investor we have a social responsibility, and
- sustainability aspects influence the risk and return of our investments.
In the animation we explain how we make choices in our investment policy: what do we invest in and what not? And how do we monitor investments when it comes to social aspects?
The responsible investment policy: in brief
Philips Pensioenfonds takes Environment, Social and Goverance (ESG) factors into account, when investing your pension money.
Our ESG-policy evolves arount two major aspects: 'Investments decisions' and 'Care for investments'.

More about responsible investment
Detailed information about Philips Pensioenfonds' ESG-policy

Investment decisions
We report on what we do and do not invest in and examine whether sustainability aspects influence the risk and return of our investments.
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Care for investments
We monitor our investments not only for the return to be achieved, but also for social aspects and enter into discussions with companies that are behind in this regard.
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Guidelines and regulations
The ESG-policy is in line with international guidelines as laid down in OECD and UNPRI. In addition, we provide sustainability information from SFDR legislation
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Policy documents
Here you will find additional information about sustainability in our investment policy, a list of exclusions and the ESG-policy per investment category.
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